
Viața de după boală

Începând cu jumătatea lunii noiembrie 2020 dezvoltăm proiectul ”Viața de dincolo de boală” prin care trei psihologi oferim intervenții psihologice online GRATUITE pacienților cu boli hematologice. Intră mai jos și alege psihologul care să te contacteze în vederea stabilirii unei întâlniri online. Ne ești singur, suntem alături de tine! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekhxDk7glE3HqMES1R56RIr-fdBL83ernYMjzwpRiAomLqZg/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1mTz67N18TVzjiFuaHXJzO0nWj3rFPmksaUPiwczK1kfgTGK1IMLj9tJA

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Plants in the service of health – Plants and Hemophilia

ON 27.02.2016 WE LAUNCHED THE PROJECT “PLANTS IN THE SERVICE OF HEALTH” AND THE FIRST SEMINAR COMPRISED TWO PARTS: Why we shouldn’t take plant remedies “by ear” Naturopathic treatment and proper diet in Hemophilia The project was developed in partnership with dr. Ruxandra Constantina, who is also the main lecturer and contributor for...

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Alternative medicine – About osteopathy, biodynamic and craniosacral therapy

On March 5th 2016 we organized a new seminar on the topic of osteopathy, biodynamic and craniosacral therapy. This time, osteopathy specialist Sorin Ionel Calina was joined by his colleague Alex, and they both explained and exemplified the way this type of therapy works. What did we learn? INTEGRATED CRANIOSACRAL BYODINAMICS...

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